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How to Prepare for a Partner Visa Eligibility Assessment Meeting

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Suppose you are married to or in a de facto relationship with an Australian citizen. In that case, you can apply for a partner visa, allowing you to join your partner permanently in the country. Currently, it costs about AUD 7,715. Also, an applicant should be ready to cater for other costs, such as medical tests and police verification, both of which are non-refundable. As such, you should be thorough when applying for a partner visa because you risk losing a lot of money if your application falls through. The best way to ensure that you do not lose money is to work with an immigration consultant. They will perform an eligibility assessment and help you lodge a partner visa application that stands a higher chance of success. This article highlights tips for a successful partner visa eligibility assessment session.

Choose an Experienced Translator 

If you come from a non-English speaking country or are not fluent in the language, you need a translator. A partner visa interviewer is not allowed to make assumptions regarding the information provided by applicants. Therefore, it is essential to choose a translator to translate what you are saying word-for-word. It is crucial during a partner visa assessment eligibility meeting because the last thing you want is for a translator to change your narrative's context.

Be Consistent 

Consistency is vital when answering questions from an immigration consultant. The immigration department uses some of the data you provide more than once, and any discrepancies increase the chances of rejection. One area where you need consistency regards essential dates in your relationship. For instance, you need to be consistent regarding the date you met your partner, started dating, or got engaged. The best approach is to discuss with your partner first before you walk into a partner visa eligibility assessment meeting. It will ensure that your narrative is consistent and help an immigration agent lodge a successful partner visa application.

Prepare Supporting Documents to Explain Discrepancies 

Certain issues, such as poor immigration history, overstaying visas, cancellations or multiple rejections are red flags. The issues will likely delay your application's processing time because they raise questions about your relationship's genuineness. Therefore, you should expect the questions, and the best way to address them is to go to an eligibility assessment meeting accompanied by supporting documents. For instance, if a previous application was rejected because you did not report an arrest ten years ago, you need to explain why you did not include it in the application.
